Greece is turning into the safety boat of Albanian PM Edi Rama says renowned analyst

Greece is turning into the safety boat of Albanian PM Edi Rama says renowned analyst

Op-Ed by Artur Zheji – I would love to believe in Rama ‘The Patriot’, because in contrast to some other colleagues’ views, patriotism or ‘country-loving’ are terms that never lose their splendor, if the latter is a conviction or a feeling of pride and sense of belonging of a nation.

This would be plausible if patriotism is not misused as a communication ‘trap’ to attract enough attention in order to light up old passions by deliberately scratching an old historic and national wound.

Until a while ago, people had a few blazing passions which pushed them to the streets. They did not want, and still refuse the shameful waste management law, which the same ‘patriotic’ Prime Minister, (who at the moment seeks a new urban center in Himara for which there are pros and cons) returned to the parliamentary agenda, which three years ago had kicked out through the rhetorical door.

Endangering Albania very unpatriotically, he turned the green light on for the international mafia of toxic waste.

Wondering like a ‘Dundee’ with a bag full of empty words, he attempted to bring to our country an even bigger threat than thousands of silly words which are being circulated today across the Hellenic media, against him and his government.

The same Prime Minister, more cunning than patriotic, loves getting into a fight with such media outlets to drive attention away from the constant failures in his economic and so called ‘state-forming’ policies.

What he fears, will surely take place in Parliament, because the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) will vote against the Waste Bill and in favor of the presidential decree which blocks such a shameful legislative proposal. In the same manner will vote other MPs such as Shpetim Idrizi of the PDIU as well as Agron Duka, Dashamir Peza, Erion Braçe, Ben Blushi and Mimoza Hafizi, and of course the entire opposition ‘en block’.

Therefore very soon, the Rama government will be a ‘fallen’ government losing a battle where the PM was madly self-positioned on the immoral side of the story, insisting to return a waste bill which spreads fear, panic and justified revolt among Albanians.

In order to avoid getting involved into such spiral of shame, Athens and Greek media are coming to the Prime Minister’s help, which react on totally internal affairs of Albania as if it were their land, temporary ‘invaded’ by Albanians.

If one house is demolished in Himara for the sake of building the urban centre of the town, right or wrong, the Hellenic media and foreign policy jump right at the issue by recognizing it ‘de facto’ as Vorio-Epirus, in other words, Greek territory invaded by Albanians.

The arrogant Hellenic sensitivity and madness have now become the safety boat of the ashamed Albanian Prime Minister, saving him from the trash scandal, illegal tapping scandal, financial holes of state companies scandal, from the lost battle against drugs and its mafia with state power, from the impoverished image the Prime Minister has today, more than ever.

Rushing quickly to open history’s pages which hide plenty of diamonds of Albanian antiquity and their good and great deeds, the Prime Minister is filling up its verbal machine gun charger with real bullets, but directing it at the wrong target.

Because the story of the saved Acropolis is one out of a thousand acts of love Albanians have shown towards their Greek brothers, who at the time were much more Arvaniti or pro-Albanian than today.

But its skillful usage in today’s context by Rama is like sounding a prehistoric drum for a banal circumcision feast.

The circumcision of a small profit for several deliberate failures of such bad-governance and of the delirious ‘know all’ arrogance shown by our disgraced Prime Minister, day after day.

Then comes a ‘Lawyer’, a friend for goodness sake, who becomes a self-made rhapsody singer from Zagoria who knits analysis with mixed verses, thus turning into a mirror where Rama sees himself with incredible satisfaction.

And he signs without Cifteli or Lutes, as if for a 100 years, the Albanian people have been desperately waiting for a leader like the troubled Prime Minister we currently have! Quo vadis, Domine!
Source: 2016

Tirana Echo

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