‘Patriotic’ Tourism Credited for Albania’s 19% rise in visitors

The number of foreign visitors coming into Albania during this last summer season has increased by 19.7% compared to last year, says Economy & Tourism Minister Milva Ekonomi, who confirms that Albanians from the region remain top of the list.

The statement made by Albania’s Minister Ekonomi confirm that although Albania is getting better in terms of visitors from the region, predominantly ethnic Albanians, it is still failing to attract more foreign tourists, who can bring a more qualitative and higher revenues into the small Balkan country which boasts around 400km of coastline along the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

However, despite Albanians topping the visitors’ list Minister Ekonomi says that the increase has resulted in more revenue and 2,4% more businesses opening, which in turn will be good news for employment coming from the tourism sector, with 77,000 more people employed in this sector and related activities in Albania.

Albania has steadily increased its tourist numbers in the past few years, with major newspapers and tour agencies recommending it and with Lonely Planet saying that ‘Albania has natural beauty in such abundance that you might wonder why it’s taken 20 years for the country to take off as a tourist destination‘.

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